The digital tool to support self-regulated learning.
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Our Motivation
21st-century learning is characterized by global uncertainties and problems. Actively meeting these challenges is our biggest motivation, because:
Students who actively self-regulate their learning process develop into critically thinking, innovative personalities who actively and sustainably shape society.
In the course of societal megatrends – such as globalization and digitalization – new educational challenges have been emerging over recent years in schools. 21st-century is characterized by global uncertainties and problems. In response to these challenges, lifelong learning has become more than ever an important topic of educational policy, research and practice. Self-regulation is understood as a prerequisite for learning that is characterized by individual curiosity. Students who actively manage their own learning process develop into critically thinking, innovative individuals who can actively and sustainably shape society. However, self-regulated learning is very demanding - for both students and teachers. Therefore, the promotion of self-regulated learning must be integrated into school lessons in a more targeted manner, and in a way that takes various aspects of digitization (e.g., digital tools) into account.
Our Vision
Skills to successfully regulate one's learning have to be acquired during school and should be implemented across all levels of education, which has been a major challenge so far. Students should possess sufficient self-regulation competencies and act as independent individuals. Teachers should know and implement new ways to foster self-regulated learning.
In professional life, self-regulated learning is considered crucial, since work environments can often be very unstructured. Therefore, self-regulated learning skills should be learned as early as possible in order to master this ability over time.
The Swiss “Lehrplan 21” foresees the teaching of the self-regulated learning skill as a part of the acquisition of generic competencies. Implementing the acquisition of competencies is a major challenge for all schools at different levels of education. Although the potential of using digital tools to support students individually in terms of self-regulated learning has been shown to be useful, the use of such tools is fraught with challenges in practice. Studybuddy makes an important contribution in this area, by providing a tool that promotes self-regulated learning among young people such as students and by supporting teachers in creating a (digital) learning environment.
Our vision is to equip students with adequate self-regulated learning skills, so that they become capable of evolving into self-reliant individuals. At the same time, teachers should learn new ways and methods to promote self-directed learning by using studybuddy.
Our Goal
In order to realize this vision and to actively meet current challenges, we aim to develop a user-friendly digital tool that is suitable for schools, taking into account the needs of teachers and students.
- Improve the analysis and monitoring of their learning.
- Develop a higher awareness for the development of their own learning process.
- Apply self-regulating strategies to improve learning.
- Can assess students' individual developmental levels and needs regarding self-regulated learning.
- Can respond better to individual needs of their students in their lessons.
- Can sustainably promote self-regulated learning.
- Are supported in a sustainable development of teaching practice by promoting professionalization processes among teachers and capturing the quality of self-regulated learning in the required (digital) learning environments in schools.
Studybuddy is currently being further developed in a research project (2022-2025). Here you can find information about the research project and the research results!
Research projects 2022-2025
Development of the tool with teachers and students of secondary level II
- Prototype deployment at High School Hofwil
- Regular exchange meetings between teachers, students and researchers
- Conception of mini-workshops
- Further development of studybuddy
Use of studybuddy in several classes and continuation of the joint development process
- Review of the usability, applicability and effectiveness of studybuddy based on feedback from teachers and students.
- Implementation of the mini-workshop
- Continuous optimization
- Further development of studybuddy
Use of studybuddy in the contex of a larger sample
- The use of studybuddy will be examined on the basis of various research questions
- Project contents will be made transferable to other school contexts
Publications and Conferences
Congress: Swiss Society for Educational Research (2022)
Paper: Studybuddy – A Digital Tool for supporting Learning
Mejeh, Mathias & Held, Tanja (2022). Understanding the process of self-regulated
learning: An intervention study to promote self-regulated learning in vocational schools.
Vocations and Learning, 15(3), 1-38. DOI: 10.1007/s12186-022-09298-4
Biennial Meeting of the European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction -
EARLI (2021)
Symposium: “Emotional and Motivational Processes and their Role for Self-Regulation of Learning” Paper: „Motivational disposition as process variable of self-directed learning“
Kongress: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Bildungsforschung (2020)
Symposium: "Erfassung und Wirkungen von Selbstregulation auf unterschiedlichen
Paper: "Welche Effekte hat ein selbstgesteuertes Lernsetting auf die motivationale
Ausprägung von Berufsschülerinnen und -schülern?"
Here you can find all the news about the studybuddy project!
Start of the co-design process at the High School Hofwil (BE)
On 31th of October 2022 the co-design process of the studybuddy projects starts. Together with various cooperation partners, students and teachers, studybuddy will be continuously developed.
Contact us!
Project Team
Ismail Souiri, M.Sc.
Project employee
Prof. Dr. phil. Mathias Mejeh
Project leader